Appliance and Furniture Rental

Appliance and Furniture Rental
About the product
Why own when you can rent? Here you'll find the carefully thought-out solutions we can offer for you and your property. We know how time and finances are precious to everyone so we've taken special care to tailor the two distinctive packages listed to the right. You may choose to rent our home appliances and furniture to cater to the ever changing needs of your every tenants

Rent It offers home owner/landlords the ability to rent home appliances or furniture. By renting the appliances, customers will benefit from:

No high up front costs needed to purchase the appliances or furniture.

All manufacturing defects will be taken care of by Rent It by directly dealing with the landlord's tenants.

Any replacement needed for the defects will be dealt with within 24 hours for free.

Delivery is free.

Installation is free.

Property owners will have the ability to mix and match appliances and furniture according to the tenants needs.
RM39 a week
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