Bako National Park Day Trip

Bako National Park Day Trip
About the product
The star of Bako National Park is undoubtedly the proboscis monkey, the big nosed, pot-bellied comedian of the rainforest. But the star has a supporting cast of long-tailed macaque monkeys, usually patrolling the park headquarters, silvered leaf monkeys, monitor lizards and squirrels and flying lemurs that glide from tree to tree.
But why hurry? If you want to be sure of seeing the full cast of characters, stay overnight in one of the park’s comfortable chalets with electricity and running water from a fresh mountain stream. There is also a cafeteria serving snacks and cold drinks, an education centre, a visitor room and an information centre.
Have you ever seen a pig with beard? You can see bearded pigs as you walk Bako’s trails. Well used to human visitors, Bako’s wildlife is less shy than their remote jungle cousins so you can get close enough to take photographs. Of course, you have an even better chance of experiencing Bako’s biodiversity if you stay overnight at one of the park chalets, and take part in a night walk led the park guides.
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